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the beginning

2003-03-18 - 3:44 p.m.

Well Hello Diaryland....

How is everybody doing today ?

Well I guess you can tell I'm new to this kinda thing...but i figure it this way..I should start by letting everyone know a little about me...

I'm 35 yrs old (soon to be 36)...I am the mom of 2 teen-age girls.."Yeah"...I have known my husband for 19 yrs..been together for 13 yrs...and married 11 yrs...I live a pretty much "normal" brother and his ditzbang girlfriend live with's like a soap opera in here everyday with those two...I have a dog named "orion"..he's half golden and spitz...I also have 3 cats..Himalayan.."Abu" who is 10 yrs old.."Nala" who is 8 yrs..and Jinx who is 7 mo..Jinx is actually my brothers but she's my can tell...

and a 110 gal fish tank...

I had the day off i did around the house stuff...boring...When the hubby gets home we are suppose to go check out about trading his phone in because the dip-**** dropped his in the toilet....

Well...I guess that's a good enough start...maybe I can actually keep up with this...

Take Care everyone...

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